dry static energy
From Glossary of Meteorology
(Also called the Montgomery streamfunction.) A thermodynamic variable similar to potential temperature, except that the concept of static energy assumes that any kinetic energy is locally dissipated into heat.
The amount of this dissipative heating is often negligible. When dry static energy, s, is expressed in units of kJ kg-1, the resulting values are of order 300 kJ kg-1, which reinforces the analogy with potential temperatures in units of Kelvin. Dry static energy is conserved during unsaturated vertical and horizontal motion, and is defined as
Compare moist static energy, liquid water static energy, saturation static energy.
The amount of this dissipative heating is often negligible. When dry static energy, s, is expressed in units of kJ kg-1, the resulting values are of order 300 kJ kg-1, which reinforces the analogy with potential temperatures in units of Kelvin. Dry static energy is conserved during unsaturated vertical and horizontal motion, and is defined as
where cp is the specific heat capacity of air at constant pressure, T is absolute temperature, g is gravitational acceleration, and z is height. The reference height can be arbitrary; it is sometimes taken as z = 0 at P = 100 kPa to be consistent with potential temperature, or it can be defined relative to the local ground or sea level.
Compare moist static energy, liquid water static energy, saturation static energy.